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Green Basics

Passive House video — Episode 4

In “Framing for Efficiency,” the fourth episode in a series of videos on Passivhaus construction, the framing crew erects double-stud walls

This video is only available to GBA prime members

The frame of a Passivhaus may not be as exciting as the thick layers of insulation, the high-tech mechanical ­systems, or the triple-glazed windows, but it plays a very important supporting role in achieving success. Every component of the framing package in this house was chosen with care and for a specific reason. The exterior Zip System sheathing provides airtightness, the double-stud walls and raised-heel roof trusses are a cost-effective means of supporting or containing above-average levels of insulation, and the open-web floor trusses easily span the open floor plan and provide plenty of room for the many ducts necessary for the Zehnder ventilation system and supporting mechanicals.

Watch the video above; read the companion Fine Homebuilding article at right; and then join the conversation with the designer of this house, Architect Steve Baczek.

Over the course of the next several months — as each new issue of Fine Homebuilding magazine is released — this collection of articles and videos will cover:

Passive House design

Airtight mudsills

Superinsulated slab

Framing for Efficiency

Windows and doors

To watch Episode 1 of this video series, click here.

To watch Episode 2 of this video series, click here.

To watch Episode 3 of this video series, click here.


  1. [email protected] | | #1

    blower door tests
    Could you summarize the specifics for the blower door tests at each stage, say:

    test 1- primary air barrier:
    acoustic sealant @ framing, exterior sheathing w/ tape, over windows, GWB ceiling, ACH50- value?
    test 2- secondary air barrier:
    same with 4" closed cell at walls and top plate flange, ACH50- value?

    ... and the next 2 tests when you get there... thanks-

  2. azgreg | | #2

    I'm having issues with the
    I'm having issues with the videos on this site. It says I need to update Flash Player before I can watch them. I have done so but it still asks to update Flash Player.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Response to Greg Houston
    I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties. I suggest that you contact our customer service department for help:

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Phone number: 800-943-0253

  4. azgreg | | #4

    I just realized it has

    I just realized it has to be my computer as I can watch the videos on my tablet.

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  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 5

    In “Installing High-Performance Windows,” the fifth episode in a series of videos on a Passivhaus project, the crew installs triple-glazed Makrowin windows from Slovakia

  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 3

    In “Superinsulated Slab,” the third episode in a series of videos on Passivhaus construction, the crew installs 10 inches of rigid foam. After the concrete was placed, more rigid foam was installed above the slab. The finished floor assembly is rated at R-50.

  • Green Basics

    Passive House video — Episode 2

    Watch “Airtight Mudsills,” the second episode in a series of videos on the theory, design, and construction of a Passive House in ­Falmouth, Massachusetts

  • Green Basics

    Passive House Video — Episode 1

    Watch “Passive House Design,” the first episode in a 5-part video series on the theory, design, and construction of a Passive House. To see the entire series, click here to become a GBA Prime member.


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