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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Building Diagnostics in New Construction

A look at situations that warrant the use of diagnostic tools and a rundown of available options

Some common building assessment tools (clockwise from top left): infrared digital thermometer, pin-type moisture meter, digital manometer (pressure gauge), digital hygrometer, and electronic radon meter. A decent model of each tool can be purchased for less than $200, often less than $100.
Image Credit: Peter Yost

This episode of the BS* + Beer show features guests Steve Rogers and Jake McAlpine of The Energy Conservatory, and Bryan Uhler of Pioneer Builders discussing “Building Diagnostics in New Construction.” They share real-world scenarios in which diagnostic technologies have helped solve problems; and they touch on ways to identify leaky ducts and types of leaks, how to direct air for better comfort, when to run a blower-door test during a build, and zonal pressure diagnostics. They also share what is in their tool kits, and when and how to combine technologies. The takeaway: Using diagnostic tools can lead to “deep learning and accumulated building science knowledge.”

Enjoy the show!

Join us on October 28 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. ET for a Halloween-themed show with returning pranksters Michael Anschel and Carl Seville. Other than the topic being “Conspiracy Theories,” we don’t know what to expect—which is half the fun of this 2nd annual show.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


Carl Seville is principal of SKCollaborative. He has over 30 years of experience in renovation and home construction.  He owned and operated SawHorse, Inc, one of the largest design/build renovation firms in Atlanta for over 25 years. Carl is a Green Globes professional, a HERS rater, an NGBS Master Verifier, a LEED Green Rater, and an EarthCraft and Enterprise Green Communities Technical Advisor, and holds the LEED AP Homes designation. He has served on the boards of directors of the Greater Atlanta Homebuilders Association and the Atlanta chapter of NARI, the Green Building Subcommittee and the Green Building Education Curriculum Committee of NAHB, NARI’s Green Remodeling Education Committee, the Georgia Governor’s Energy Policy Council, the USGBC Residential Green Building Advocate for Atlanta, and as a member of the board of the Atlanta Branch of the USGBC.

Michael Anschel is heavily involved in the Green Building movement. He led the Green Remodeling Group in the development of MN GreenStar Certified Green Homes and Remodeling, considered by some to be the most progressive and rigorous green residential building standard in the US. After serving as interim director, he works to facilitate the adoption and incorporation of Green building techniques into the entire Residential construction industry. Michael is also the owner and principal of Otogawa-Anschel Design-Build, L.L.C., a nationally recognized award-winning design-build firm that focuses on older residential homes.


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor. She can be reached at [email protected].


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