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BS* + Beer

Starting a Local Chapter of BS* + Beer

Panelists from across the U.S. share tips on launching a building science discussion group

BS* + Beer founding chapter in Portland, Maine. Photo courtesy Michael Maines.

This episode of the BS* + Beer show hosts Dan Kolbert, Steve Konstantino, Nathan Shirai, Diana Stewart, and Danuta Drozdowicz sharing their experiences around starting local chapters of BS* + Beer. Hailing from various U.S. regions, the chapter representatives talk about the origin and growth of the discussion group concept, as well as different formats for planning and running events, approaches to spreading the word, and steps they found helpful when launching their group. The takeaway: According to these enthusiastic folks, if there isn’t a BS* + Beer group near you, it’s easy to start one.

Enjoy the show!

The BS* + Beer Show schedule

The next show is on January 12, 2023, from 6-7:30 p.m. ET and will feature Christine Williamson talking about vapor control and exterior cellulose insulation. There is a lot of confusion around vapor management in building assemblies—stemming, in part, from the way people think about vapor barriers as a membrane to be bought rather than the vapor permeance of any given material. There are also constant questions concerning exterior insulation ratios. Christine will help us get clear on the answers.

Use this link to register.


As founder of Building Science Fight Club, Christine Williamson provides technical consulting services for architects, developers, and contractors; she assists with design development and reviewing details and specifications to improve durability, comfort, and energy efficiency. She also teaches architects, architects in training, and other building industry professionals about building science and construction. For her full bio, click here.


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor.

One Comment

  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Here's a reminder: today at 6pm eastern time, Christine Williamson joins us for a discussion on water vapor management. It's sure to be interesting and enjoyable!

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