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Meet Our Editorial Team

  • Kiley Jacques

    Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor (GBA), a sister website to Fine Homebuilding magazine that is more narrowly focused on sharing information about designing, building, and remodeling high-performance homes. She plans, creates, edits, and sources content to ensure a dynamic site covering all aspects of green building including environmentally...

  • Scott Gibson

    Scott Gibson is a former editor at Fine Homebuildingmagazine, where he is still a contributing writer. Scott is the co-author with David Johnston of Green from the Ground Up, published by The Taunton Press, Inc. in 2008, and Toward a Zero Energy Home, also published by Taunton Press, Inc. in 2010.

  • Martin Holladay

    Editor Martin Holladay has worked as a roofer, remodeler, builder, and plumbing wholesale counterperson. He built his first passive solar house in northern Vermont in 1974, and has lived off the grid since 1975. In 1980, Holladay bought his first photovoltaic module, which is still producing electricity after all these years. After...

  • Brian Pontolilo

    Brian Pontolilo has spent the better part of the last 20 years as a journalist, writer, and editor covering residential design and construction at Fine Homebuilding magazine and Brian has a degree in professional writing, worked for a short time at local newspapers, and has worked in landscape construction,...

About Us

Our editors are committed to sourcing, developing, and publishing vetted, science-backed information to help GBA readers stay current in today's high-performance building industry.

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Our Expert Members

GBA’s Expert Members are professionals from all corners of the green building industry. They cover topics related to environmentally sensitive design, must-know building science, energy-efficient construction techniques, and innovative materials.

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