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Green Basics

How to Replace an Old Entry Door

Best Practices for Installing a New Entry Door: Replacing a weathered or inefficient entry door can have a great impact on the comfort, appearance and value of a home.

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Replacing a weathered or inefficient entry door can have a great impact on the comfort, appearance and value of a home. Today we’re in North Andover, Massachusetts, with Manny Silva who runs Lightning Builders. Silva’s technique is not traditional, but it covers all the bases in regards to keeping water out and allowing for an easier installation.

The first step is to remove the door being careful not to damage the weather resistive barrier and saving as much siding as possible, to be reinstalled later. Next, prep the opening for the new door, creating positive drainage at the sill, integrating new flashing details with the existing house wrap, and setting screws in the rough opening to plum the door during installation. With the door lying on a work table, attach the new trim to the door with pocket screws, which can actually be done at any time, even days before. Finally install the door, take care of the final weatherization steps, and patch the siding.


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