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Green Basics

VIDEO: Replacement Window in an Old Brick House (3 of 4)

How To Shim, Level, and Fasten an Insert Replacement Window in an Old Opening.

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Mike Sloggatt: I’m going to prep this window so that when I get it into position I don’t have to struggle with it. I’ll set a couple of screws first so that when I put the window in there’s something to hold it together. Now that I’ve got the stops out, I’ll set the two top screws to hold the window in position while I do the final fit. Don’t put all the screws in. If you do, you won’t be able to open the sash; they’ll get in the way. I just have to put the sealant on the sill and we’ll be ready to set the window. I’m using a sealant made specifically for sealing windows and flanges of that nature. Once the sealant is applied, set the window into the opening and screw it in place. Narrator: Mike starts the screws without driving them home, so he can shim the new window straight. Mike Sloggatt: Our goal is to install the window properly, making sure all the reveals are good and everything is nice and even. We use shims and screws to position the window correctly. I also have to make sure the window sits even with the reveal so that the molding is nice and straight. At the bottom of the window, insert a shim between the window and the frame on one side and drive a screw; then do the other side. Even it up as best you can. Next, set the depth of the window so that it’s right up against the stool. It should be the same on the top and the bottom. Use a sliding square as a depth gauge and set the depth at the bottom of the window so that you can duplicate it up at the top. Check the…


  1. user-7516108 | | #1

    If you place a shim at the sill, does that create a gap where there was once sealant?

  2. cafferatak | | #2

    I'm looking at replacing a slider window using this "pocket window" technique. The installer has said the waterproof membrane is not required. At the 1 min mark, I noticed that he does not apply a waterproof membrane under the window. Is there any reason this should not be done?

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