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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Harnessing Solar Power’s Potential

A broad overview of the factors affecting widespread adoption of this renewable energy source

Photo credit: Topher Donahue/Aurora Photos/Corbis

This episode of the BS* + Beer show is a high-level conversation about solar energy with guests Will Field of ReVision Energy, Sam Brown of Clean Energy New Hampshire, and Joseph Berry of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Will presents 10 tips for “smooth solar installation,” offering insight into things like consumption monitoring, off-grid vs. grid-tied systems, and quantifiable returns. The discussion touches on the next wave of thin-film technologies and solar infrastructure, which will hopefully drive costs down and/or increase capacity. There is talk of direct building–integrated PV, regulatory considerations that drive decisions to transition to renewable energy, net-metering, green loans, state incentives, soft costs, solar apps, and more.

Enjoy the show!


Join us on October 14 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. ET when Gord Cooke, Mark LaLiberte, and Justin Wilson of Construction Instruction will share their model for educating the current and next generation of builders on building science–informed construction methods based on the “house as a system” philosophy.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


Gord Cooke has over 25 years of experience in the energy-efficient residential building industry. Gord has a unique talent for applying his technical expertise in building science, HVAC systems, and indoor air quality to current building issues.

Mark LaLiberte has over 25 years of experience and devotes his time educating the building industry on the benefits of constructing durable, energy-efficient, and healthy homes through lectures, video series, and publications.

Justin Wilson works with national and regional builders on new construction of residential and commercial buildings and forensic investigations on building sites all over North America to find solutions to problems in the building processes that affect energy, comfort, and durability.


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor. She can be reached at [email protected].



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