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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: The Benefits of Bio-Based Building Materials

How to design, build, and remodel, with carbon negative materials

If you come to GBA because climate issues matter to you and as a building professional, DIYer, and/or homeowner, you know that where you can make an impact is in how we design, build, remodel, and even live in our homes, this is the The BS* + Beer Show episode for you.

Our panelists are builder Jacob Racusin, author and Endeavour Centre director Chris Magwood, and architect David Arkin. After each gave an inspiring presentation, they answered questions from our live participants. Use the comment section below to keep the conversation alive.  Enjoy!

The next show is Thursday, May 28 from 6 to 7:30 pm: Choosing and using water-resistive barriersOur panelists are builders Jake Bruton and Ben Bogie, who both recently published articles on installing windows here on GBA. You can find Jake’s recent post here, and Ben’s here. Use this link to register for the BS* + Beer Show

Brian Pontolilo is a former editor at Fine Homebuilding magazine and Green Building Advisor.


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