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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Making High-Performance Affordable

Hosts Michael Maines, Emily Mottram, and Travis Brungardt are joined by a panel of great minds from around the building industry to discuss the question: how do we break through the (real and perceived) costs of building (and remodeling) better homes?

Barn turned high-performance home by Bluetime Collaborative and Helm Construction Solutions

We’re all still getting used to using Zoom for meeting and webinars and group discussions, so it took us a few minutes to get the show rolling this week (we edited that nonsense out of the video), but we ended up having an excellent discussion about costs and building high-performance homes with a panel of experts including Alan Gibson, Randy Williams, Claire Betze, Ben Bogie, Christine Williamson, and Dan Hines. Enjoy.

Next show, April 16, 2020: A panel will be discussing how to design and build homes with concrete-free slabs. Watch GBA and FHB newsletters and social media or check back here next week for more information on how to tune in live.

Brian Pontolilo is a former editor at Fine Homebuilding magazine and Green Building Advisor.



  1. [email protected] | | #1

    Since you all are such a diverse and experienced group assembled in one place I would like to take the opportunity to pose a question I have not found a satisfactory answer to.
    I have built a “high performance” house that was affordable anD is comfortable and energy efficient with one glaring problem. It makes frighteningly loud pops when it heats up and cools off. It’s built using 8” SIP wall panels and 12” thick (4’X20) cathedral ceiling panels that have TJI’s at their long span joints. I don’t believe there is any easy solution to eliminate the problem but my question is have any of you heard of this problem and does anyone think it will lead to long term problems. I have been in the house for about 4 years and no change in the startling and shockingly loud pops. Thanks, this forum is a great idea.

    1. Expert Member
      MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #2

      The south facing wall of my conventionally framed and insulated house pops occasionally in the summer. I suspect it's the same phenomena you are experiencing - materials expanding and contracting, and popping as they bind up. It hasn't diminished over time in my house and unfortunately it probably won't in yours either.

    2. Expert Member
      Michael Maines | | #4

      Differentpath, that is a common problem with timber-framed houses, and any house framed with wood will have some popping as materials change dimension with moisture content. It may have something to do with the monolithic nature of stress skin panels--wood, drywall and foam all expand and contract at different rates, depending on moisture content and temperature. If it does not compromise your air control layer, it is probably not a problem. If it does compromise your air control layer, you may end up with the sheathing rot that can happen on SIPs-clad buildings.

  2. Deleted | | #3


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