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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Addressing the Climate Crisis

An informative look at what we should be doing to bring greenhouse gas emissions down to zero

This episode of the BS* + Beer show is a conversation with Dr. Jonathan Foley, executive director of Drawdown, which he describes as a multi-pronged effort to get to “a moment in time” when greenhouse gas emissions begin to go down. He identifies six major sources of emissions, and says we have two responsibilities: 1. Bring the sources of gases to absolute zero, i.e. “turn off the pollution,” and 2. Support naturally occurring carbon sinks. He discusses the role of energy efficiency in drawdown, and looks at the construction industry’s contribution to emissions, namely the manufacturing and use of concrete, steel, and plastics, and their ultimate disposal into the waste stream. His overriding sentiment is that it’s not too late. He offers practical, doable solutions, pointing to “low-hanging fruits” such as plugging holes in building envelopes, stopping refrigerant leaks, and installing heat pumps from here on out. His takeaway message: “Cut emissions, cut emissions, cut emissions.”

Enjoy the show!


Join us on September 30 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. EST for a discussion with Christian Corson, owner and technical director of Ecocor. He will address the question: Is Sheet Stock a Good Air Barrier? Based on the results of recent research, Study Finds OSB Sheathing Not a Reliable Air Barrier, the Brew Crew felt it would make for a timely conversation.


Christian (Chris) Corson is owner and technical director of Ecocor. After completing studies at Southern Illinois University, he moved back to Chicago to study interior architecture at Columbia College as well as fine art at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, with an emphasis on architecture. Chris has over 25 years of multidisciplinary experience in construction, architecture, design, and engineering. His concern for the state of the planet’s energy balance, his love of designing and building high-performance buildings, and his expert knowledge in building physics made him a natural fit for Passive House building. Chris was one of the first certified Passive House designers in the United States. He trained at the Passivhaus Institut in Darmstadt Germany, and is a Passive House designer trainer. Chris’s goal is to better align building methodologies and best practices with contemporary sustainable materials and practices that embrace low embodied energy. He has patents pending on the only opaque building components in the United States that are certified by the Passive House Institute.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor. She can be reached at [email protected].


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