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Green Building News

New York Utility Offers Residential Wind Incentives

This grid-connected 10-kW Bergey wind turbine provides almost all of the energy used by a Vermont family.
Image Credit: David Pill

Utility Will Pay Up to 60% of the Installed Cost of a Backyard Wind System

UNIONDALE, NY — A New York electric utility, the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), is offering generous incentives to homeowners who install backyard wind turbines. LIPA will pay the lesser of either 60% of the total installed cost of a wind turbine or $3.50 per kWh for the first 16,000 kWh of electricity produced ($56,000).

In addition to the LIPA incentive, most Long Island homeowners who install a wind turbine are also eligible for a generous federal tax credit of 30% of the installed cost of the equipment.

LIPA’s 2009 budget includes a commitment of $1.2 million for the new wind incentive program. LIPA president Kevin Law is enthusiastic about new rebates. “Just as LIPA’s Solar Pioneer program helped transform the photovoltaic industry and make Long Island a leader in solar panel installations, the hope is that our wind pilot will do the same for the wind industry,” Law said.

Gordian Raacke, executive director of Renewable Energy Long Island, credits LIPA for its investment in wind energy. “In the right location, small wind turbines can generate plenty of emission-free electricity and help home and business owners meet their energy needs,” said Raacke.

For more information on LIPA wind incentives, visit


  1. Rebecca O | | #1

    Maybe in the future of Bellport......
    buying a wind turbine costs like $1.5 mil, but you can also make one for under $1000.

  2. Anonymous | | #2

    knowing how neighbours can be, what are the laws against back yard windturbines?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Response to Anonymous
    Zoning regulations governing wind turbines vary widely from town to town, so you will have to contact your local building department for more information.

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