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Guide to Roofs and Roofing


Roofs keep the weather out and conditioned air in

Green roofs are energy efficient and durable. A green roof should be structurally sound and should include long-lasting sheathing and roofing.

When choosing roofing, look for products that are manufactured with minimal environmental impact and excellent durability. And remember: performance and longevity depend on how well the products are installed.

Get the what, why, and how below:

Articles about roofs and roofing:

Roof Framing Choices: Engineered Lumber, Trusses, or SIPs?

Enclosure and Structural Overview

Roofs: Attics, Structure, Claddings

Premium membership articles:

Insulating Roofs, Walls, and Floors

Roofing materials Choices

Vented or Unvented Attic?

Videos and podcasts about roofs and roofing:

VIDEO: Dr. Joe’s Rules for Roof Venting

VIDEO: DIY Vegetative roof

PODCAST: The Perfect Wall, Roof, and Slab

Premium membership video:

VIDEO: How to Air-Seal an Attic (10-parts)

Blogs about roofs and roofing:

Martin’s Ten Rules of Roof Design

Can Spray Foam Rot Your Roof?

7 Steps to an Energy-Efficient House: 2. The Roof

Adding Insulation to a 1944 Roof

Will Solar Panel Mounts Cause Roof Leaks?

Creating a Conditioned Attic

Prevent Ice Dams With Air Sealing and Insulation

Radiant Barriers: A Solution in Search of a Problem

Construction details about roofs and roofing:

Free Sample:

ROOF INSULATION RETROFIT: Interior Foam (Cathedral Ceiling)

Premium membership detail drawings:

ROOF INSULATION RETROFIT: Exterior Foam (Cathedral Ceiling)

Deep Energy Retrofit collection

Roof to Wall Connections

Green Home case study articles about roofs and roofing:

Owner-Builders Get a Tight Shell With SIPs

An Old House Gets a Superinsulation Retrofit

Trailblazing Solar Home Made of Composite ICFs

LEED-Platinum House in a Warm Climate

Roof and roofing products in the Product Guide (available to premium members)

Clay Roofing Tiles

Fiber-Cement Roofing Shingles

Fluid-Applied Roofing

Green Roof Plants

Green Roof Systems

Metal Shingles

Plastic and Rubber Shingles

Ridge and Soffit Vents

Slate Shingles

Wood Shingles and Shakes


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