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Green Deck Guide


Decks, porches, and patios can boost the living space of a small house without the extra cost of walls, roof, and utilities

Yes, green building is about tight envelopes
, water efficiency
, and indoor air quality
. But what if you want to build a deck so that you can enjoy the morning paper with coffee, or a cold beer in the evening, how do you make a deck green?

Begin by reviewing this collection of green deck building articles, advice, insights, and opinion.

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Encyclopedia Articles

Decks and Porches

Pier Foundations

Remodel Project: Outdoor Add-Ons

Construction Details:

Deck Ledger connection at band joist

Deck Ledger with manufactured support bracket

Green Homes Articles

A Durable Deck Ties This Home to the Landscape

Green Building Strategies

Use naturally rot-resistant wood outside

Choose recycled wood-plastic composite lumber for decks and railings

Consider a patio instead of a wooden deck

The deck-house connection


Patio or Deck? — Expand Your Living Space Into the Outdoors


Fine Homebuilding:

Deck Planning Center

Deck-Fastener Options


  1. ResilientBuilding | | #1

    Following these links sends me to a blank page that says, "The content you are looking for is no longer on the GBA site, please refer any questions about green building products to the community Q&A"
    Does this content still exist anywhere? I'd like to find general information without asking on a forum. Thanks.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    This is an old article dating from 2010. You are quite right that the article included some dead links; thanks for letting us know. I have removed the dead links. (GBA used to have a cooperative agreement with our friends at Building Green that allowed us to share use of their Green Product Guide; unfortunately, though, Building Green no longer maintains their Green Product Guide. It doesn't exist anymore.)

    I'm sorry that the Guide is gone. If you have any questions about the best green materials to use for building decks, feel free to post a question on our Q&A page.

    If you don't want to post a question, the general information you seek can be found in the GBA Encyclopedia -- see the links in the article above.

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