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Green Building News

Dr. Wolfgang Feist To Speak In Boston

The founder of the Passivhaus Institut in Germany offers a free public lecture

Wolfgang Feist visits the U.S. During an upcoming visit to the United States, Dr. Feist plans to speak at a symposium in Boston.
Image Credit: Passivhaus Institut

On Saturday October 23, Dr. Wolfgang Feist, the founder of the Passivhaus Institut in Darmstadt, Germany, will be speaking at Boston Architectural College.

Dr. Feist’s presentation is part of a symposium called “Passivhaus, LEED, and the City of Boston.” The presentations begin at 1:30 a.m. and are scheduled to last until 5:00 p.m.

Dr. Feist is speaking at 2:00 p.m.; his topic is “The concept, experience, and dissemination of Passivhaus.”

Other scheduled speakers include:

  • Brian Butler, owner of Boston Green Builders;
  • John Dalzell, Green Czar at the Boston Redevelopment Authority;
  • Fred Gordon, principal of Second Street Associates;
  • Simon Hare, owner of Placetailor;
  • Stephanie Horowitz, managing director at Zero Energy Design;
  • Declan Keefe, project manager at Placetailor;
  • Katrin Klingenberg, founder of the Passive House Institute U.S.;
  • Jeff Stein, dean of architecture at Boston Architectural College; and

The event will take place at Cass Hall, Boston Architectural College, 320 Newbury Street, Boston, Ma. The event is free and open to the public.

Anyone interested in attending is asked to send an RSVP to Declan Keefe. His e-mail address is:

keefe [at] placetailor [dot] com.

One Comment

  1. Graham Irwin | | #1

    Dr. Feist is heading West!!!
    I hope the event went well. I am not fully informed of Dr. Feist's complete schedule, but he is due to speak in San Francisco on Tuesday. Nov 2:

    He is also due to speak at the National Passive House Conference in Portland, OR, Nov 4-7:

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