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Green Building News

Bill Proposes New Incentives for Electric Vehicles

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio wants to help commuters who drive plug-in cars to work

Electric vehicles would get a new boost under legislation proposed by a Democratic U.S. senator from Ohio.
Image Credit: Yusuke Kawasaki / CC BY 2.0 / Flickr

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown is proposing federal legislation that would benefit commuters who drive their electric vehicles to work by as much as $250 a month.

The new benefit would be on top of existing state or federal incentives for those who buy the cars — as much as $7,500 in federal tax credits and up to $5,000 for California purchasers, according to Brown, an Ohio Democrat, also would like to see financial rewards for companies that install charging stations at workplaces.

Brown said that the legislation was intended to give workers with electric vehicles the same pre-tax benefits many workers already receive for public transportation, parking fees, and public transit passes, a statement from his office said.

“The Electric Vehicle Credit Act would exclude transportation benefits for electric vehicle charging from an employee’s taxable income, the same way many employees can exclude other transportation benefits, like transit passes or parking fees,” Brown’s office said. “Employers would be able to give up to $250 per month in electric charging benefits without employees being taxed, making their benefit packages more competitive.”

Not surprisingly, the proposal was endorsed by the Electric Drive Transportation Association.


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