Recent Articles
What has COVID Taught Us?
The demographic changes brought on by the pandemic may have long-term benefits
How Heat Moves
Like structural and wind loads, the direction that heat loads travel depends on the source
Old Houses: Common Problems and Solutions
A few tips on handling air leakage and water management in centuries-old structures
The Benefit of Larsen Trusses
Adding depth to exterior walls is a smart way to add lots of insulation
Strategies for Preventing Wood Rot
Correctly using and detailing lumber and other wood-based products adds to their longevity, which means we should be doing it on every job
Key Considerations When Insulating Old Walls
Water is the enemy, so keep it away and ensure the house's drying potential
Understanding R- and Other Values
You have to pay attention to the numbers, but first you have to know what the numbers mean
Understanding Radiative Cooling
Why are my wife's hands like ice cubes when the house is 68℉?
Understanding Building Science Basics: My Own Journey
Pay attention to what's happening around you—there are building science lessons everywhere
“Warm and Fluffy” Insulation
Ruminations on the recycled content and carbon burden of fibrous insulations