Best Practices for Dry, Healthy Basements
To avoid water problems and comfort issues down the road, build your basement right the first time
Where Does the Heat Pump Water Heater Go?
In low-load homes without basements, a second floor laundry closet turns out to be a pretty ideal location
Webinar: Walls That Work–An Intro to the Four Control Layers
A discussion of wall assemblies and the specific details that are needed for durable, comfortable, and energy-efficient homes
Keeping Ducts Where They Belong
With slab-on-grade construction growing in popularity, it's increasingly difficult to determine how to run ducts for heating and cooling
Air Sealed and On Piers
A builder uses rented lifts to raise the floor system to a comfortable working height before lowering and fastening it to the foundation
Installing Flangeless Windows
European style windows sit within the rough opening and require a face-sealed approach to water and air management
Living Building Challenge Met
The world’s first Living Building Challenge–certified home is a study in integrated, sustainable design
Insights from a Practical Passive House
Savvy construction details and minimal mechanicals are just two of the many reasons to check out this house and the team that built it
Step Flashing With Exterior Insulation
Flashing walls with continuous exterior insulation and rainscreens sometimes stump installers. Here are a few approaches that can work.
Designing for a Hot, Humid City
In an interview, architect Peter Pfeiffer shares lessons learned throughout his career as we look at a modern farmhouse his firm recently designed.